Post 8> A subject you've enjoyed studying this semester.
Hi! Actually, I had a hard time picking out a bouquet I liked. The classes during a pandemic have been difficult. But I think that I have a bouquet that I really liked this semester. That class is anatomy. Sadly, we only had four anatomy classes because it was so little in the way of content. The teacher was showing a Power Point and answer our questions. The final work was extensive but I liked it very much and it went very well. The contents of classes were to analyze movements, the central nervous system, muscle activation. I've always loved anatomy, ever since I was in school and we used to see body parts, but with university classes I loved it even more. Sometimes I find it hard to understand because it's so much content but I worry about studying hard so I can do well in the evaluations. I like to learn about the body, how it works, how it moves, the muscles, the bones.