
Mostrando las entradas de julio, 2020

Post 8> A subject you've enjoyed studying this semester.

Hi! Actually, I had a hard time picking out a bouquet I liked. The classes during a pandemic have been difficult. But I think that I have a bouquet that I really liked this semester. That class is anatomy. Sadly, we only had four anatomy classes because it was so little in the way of content. The teacher was showing a Power Point and answer our questions. The final work was extensive but I liked it very much and it went very well. The contents of classes were to analyze movements, the central nervous system, muscle activation. I've always loved anatomy, ever since I was in school and we used to see body parts, but with university classes I loved it even more. Sometimes I find it hard to understand because it's so much content but I worry about studying hard so I can do well in the evaluations. I like to learn about the body, how it works, how it moves, the muscles, the bones.

Post 7> Your Bucket List

The last  bucket list I made was in January of this year. I read it and my dreams haven't changed much. The first wish written on the sheet was to be able to travel with my family outside of Chile. We have never had the opportunity to make a long trip together and I would love to make it come true. Another wish that I am looking forward to at the moment (I wrote it down now in the list) is to be able to see my friends. I miss them very much. I miss being able to talk, eat chips together and dance. Just before the pandemic I was able to fulfill one of my dreams, to be able to travel to Buenos Aires to take classes. I went with my best friend and we enjoyed ourselves very much. We have more trips planned that we would like to do together! Regarding dance, I want to learn flamenco. Unfortunately, due to time constraints, I have not been able to take classes :( I think at this moment I don't have a difficult dream to fulfill (so far). I would like to be able to fulfill these wish